Yuk Bernostalgia dengan Lagu Evergreen Milik Johnny Horton Berjudul "Whispering Pines"

Andi Syafriadi
Senin 13 Maret 2023, 15:04 WIB
Johnny Horton (Sumber : Pinterest)

Johnny Horton (Sumber : Pinterest)

LABVIRAL.COM - Salah satu lagu Evergreen yang dapat kalian dengarkan adalah Whispering Pines. Lagu ini dinyanyikan sekaligus dipopulerkan oleh pria kelahiran 30 April 1925 yaitu John Gale “Johnny” Horton atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Johnny Horton.

Johnny Horton sendiri merupakan seorang penyanyi Rockability dan musik country Amerika yang paling terkenal dengan lagu semi-folknya.

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Lagu Whispering Pines sendiri merupakan salah satu single milik Johnny Horton. Lagu yang diciptakan oleh Howard Crockett ini direkam pada 10 November 1958 oleh Johnny Horton. Whispering Pines ini pun dirilis pada 8 Desember 1958.

Berikut lirik lagu Whispering PinesJohnny Horton yang dilansir oleh LabViral.com

The snowflakes fall as winter comes

And time just seems to fly
Is it the loneliness in me
That makes me want to cry?
My heart is sad, like a mourning dove
That's lost its mate in flight
Hear the cooing of his lonely heart
Through the stillness of the night

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Whispering pines, whispering pines
Tell me, is it so?
Whispering pines, whispering pines
You're the one who knows
My darling is gone, oh she's gone
And I need your sympathy
Whispering pines, send my baby back to me

See that squirrel up in the tree
His mate there on the ground
Hear their barking call of love
For the happiness they found
Is my love, still my love?
Oh, this I've go to know
Send a message by the wind
Because I love her so

Whispering pines, whispering pines
Tell me, is it so?
Whispering pines, whispering pines
You're the one who knows
My darling is gone, oh she's gone
And I need your sympathy
Whispering pines, send my baby back to me

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