Masuk ke Dalam Album Bertajuk "Face the Heat" Ini Dia Lirik Lagu Under the Same Sun Milik Scorpions

Andi Syafriadi
Selasa 14 Maret 2023, 10:00 WIB
Scorpions (Sumber : Pinterest)

Scorpions (Sumber : Pinterest)

Baca Juga: Sempat Viral Di TikTok, Lirik Lagu 'Oh No' Milik Capone Ternyata Miliki Kisah yang Cukup Mencengangkan

Bring him back, let him live, don't let him die
Do you ever ask yourself
Is there a Heaven in the sky
Why can't we get it right
Cause we all live under the same sun
We all walk under the same moon
Then why, why can't we live as one
I saw the evening
Fading shadows one by one

We watch the lamb, lay down to the sacrifice
I saw the children
The children of the sun
How they wept, how they bled, how they died
Do you ever ask yourself
Is there a Heaven in the sky

Why can't we stop the fight
Cause we all live under the same sun
We all walk under the same moon
Then why, why can't we live as one
Sometimes I think I'm going mad

We're loosing all we had and no one seems to care
But in my heart it doesn't change
We've got to rearrange and bring our world some love
And does it really matter
If there's a heaven up above
We sure could use some love
Cause we all live under the same sun
We all walk under the same moon
Then why, why can't we live as one
Cause we all live under the same sky
We all look up at the same stars
Then why, tell me why can't we live as one

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