Hero Nana Mobile Legends Bakal Dibuff Moonton, Skill 2 Bisa Ubah Semua Lawan Jadi Molina Smooch, Potensi Jadi META di Season 30?

Zahwa Elia Azzahra
Senin 28 Agustus 2023, 16:12 WIB


Arcane Boots

2. Clock of Destiny

Clock of Destiny

3. Lightning Truncheon

Lightning Truncheon

4. Glowing Wand

Glowing Wand Mobile Legends

5. Divine Glaive

Divine Glaive

6. Holy Crystal

Holy Crystal

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1. Cutom Assassin Emblem

2. Agility

3. Weapons Master

4. Lethal Ignition

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